St Ann's RC Church Cheadle Hulme

Perpetual Exposition




Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is an opportunity for adoration, prayer and quiet reflection before Jesus Christ, present in the Holy Eucharist. 

Thanks to the dedication of many of our parishioners who have signed up to watch regularly for one hour each week, we are extremely fortunate to have Exposition on 10.30am to 6.00pm during term time. This means that the church is open for anyone to drop in for a few moments of quiet prayer at any time during the week. 

Please sign up on the the sheet to watch in the porch. This can be done weekly, there is no ongoing commitment but we do need to have cover for the whole period.

If you would like to sign up as either a Regular Watcher, or as someone to be called on occasionally when a Regular Watcher is unavailable (a Reserve) please contact Julie Hindmarch on 440 8408.